During the judicial course, according to the law, the judge processes the fact of a case, distills the legal fact and elucidates its legal meaning, based on which the judge does the sentence. 司法过程中,法官根据法律对案件事实进行加工,提取出法律事实,并进一步阐发法律事实的法律意义,在此基础上才能作出判决。
The legal meaning and validity of all euro-denominated contracts and instruments would be up for grabs. 所有曾以欧元计价的合约和文书的法律意义及效力将全部重写。
Post-Kyoto Times: legal meaning research on sustainable carbon-exhaust policy 后京都时代:建立可持续碳排放政策的法律意义探析
The other is the special meaning, which is its legal meaning correspondingly. 另一个是它的特殊含义,亦即其法律含义。
In order to ensure the farmers a long-term and stable land contract right, we must prevent the ownership right from infringing the contract right, giving the land contract right the legal meaning of property right. 稳定土地承包制是稳定家庭承包制的基础,要赋予农民长期稳定的土地承包权,就必须防止所有权对承包权的侵袭,将土地承包权赋予物权的法律意义。
Its key factor& legislative intention, must be pursued from the basic principle of law, the unify of legal meaning and the nature of things. 而其核心因素&规范意旨,必须从法律的基本原则、法律意义的统一脉络和事物的本质上探求。
On the Modern Legal Meaning of Credit from the Perspective of the Evolution of Credit 从信用演变角度看信用的现代法律涵义
Public participation on legal meaning has double value: justice and order, which responds on the legal demands of recycle economy. 法律意义上的公众参与具有正义和秩序的双重价值,正是这双重价值,回应了循环经济对公众参与的法律需求。
This text define to commercial bank bankrupt legal meaning at first, analyze possibility that commercial bank go bankrupt and necessity of set up bank insolvency legal system. 本文首先对商业银行破产的法律含义进行了界定,分析了商业银行破产的可能性与建立商业银行破产法律制度的必要性。
The legal meaning of the independent character of Central Bank should contain four parts, such as legal nature and position, legal goal, legal function, legal financial rule, etc. 中央银行独立性的法律涵义应涵盖法定的性质和地位、法定的目标、法定的职能、法定的财务制度等四个部分。
The paper discusses on the company constitution from the part of the legal meaning of the company constitution, the relationship between the company constitution and Companies Law, the content of the constitution and the efficiency evaluation, the constitution alteration and so on. 从公司章程的法律意义、章程与公司法的关系、章程内容及其效力评价、章程变更的程序等方面,对公司章程这一公司法律制度的核心内容进行探讨。
The legal meaning of virtual property is the data record which appears in the form of virtual articles and is acquired through paying of money by the player during the virtual property's existence and the right of using and dealing with the data record. 法律意义上的虚拟财产系指网络游戏存续期间,玩家以支付货币等合法方式取得的,具有现实交易价值的,以虚拟物品形式显示的数据记录以及使用或处理这些数据记录的权利。
The demarcation between real estate and movable property has always been important in real right law. Roman Law, the Civil Law of France and that of German all embody this demarcation and have their respective legal meaning. 不动产与动产的划分在物权法上一向重要,罗马法、法国民法、德国民法都有其划分标准,并表现出各自的法律意义。
Legal Meaning of "Social Danger" in Criminal Procedure 解读刑事诉讼中社会危险性的法律含义
The interpretation of the law is not only the explication of legal meaning, but also the important means of legal development. 法律解释既是对法律含义的解读,又是法律发展的重要方法。
The fictitious property in the network game has exchange value and use value, meet the economical needs of people and possesses true market price, the characteristic of the general goods and the nature of the property in the legal meaning. 网络游戏中的虚拟财产具有交换价值和使用价值,能够满足人们经济上的需要,有真实的市场价格,具备一般商品的特征,符合法律意义上财产的性质。
Furthermore, it analyses the acquisition way of shareholder-qualification in a limited liability company and illustrates the legal meaning of shareholder-qualification conforming. 其次分析了有限责任公司股东资格的取得方式,并说明了股东资格确认的法律意义。
So, it is not a market activity in general meaning. It is not harm-compensate behavior in legal meaning, either, but a special mode that power-decision and power-benefit. 所以,中国的农地转化不是一个一般意义上的市场交易行为,也不是一个法律意义上的损害&赔偿行为,而完全是一个权力作主且权力受益的行为。
The whole text of the body is divided into four chapters: In the chapter I as the breakthrough point, I analyze the legal meaning of the belief of the law. 全文正文共分为四章:第一章以信仰为切入点,剖析了法律信仰的内涵,并且深入分析了培育法律信仰的现实意义。
Explained that the study will be limited to our vision of simple text, legislators, or the current policy is expected, can assist in obtaining legal meaning of truth. 解释学认为,如果只是将我们的视野局限于单纯的文本、立法者的预期或者当前的政策,都获得法律含义之真理。
And just by its apparent legal meaning and strong value tool maintenance and shaping revolution expect renovation of the social relations. 而法律正是以其明显的工具意义和强烈的价值期待维护和塑造革命所改造的社会关系。
Virtual property is a new thing accompanied by emergence of online game. Its nature arouse the attention of legal theorists. There is a dispute about whether the virtual property has a legal meaning. 虚拟财产是伴随着网络游戏出现的新生事物,它的性质引起了法律理论界的关注,出现了是否为法律意义上的财产之争。
The text made the legal meaning definition to several styles of the bankrupt revocable actions by combing the practice of Bankruptcy Law of our nation, and made the legislation assessment mainly through the Japanese and German legislation. 本文结合我国破产法实务,对破产可撤销行为几个类型进行了法律含义界定,并主要以日、德立法为例进行立法考评。
This article from landscape engineering construction contract management, landscape engineering construction, park maintenance management aspects discusses problems caused by the security, and put forward the countermeasures of legal meaning. 本文从景观工程施工合同管理、景观工程施工、公园养护管理等方面引起的安全问题进行探讨,并提出具有法律意义的对策。
Although fetus is different from the legal meaning of human being, its right has been affirmed by law in overwhelming majority of countries and regions. 虽然胎儿与法律意义上的人仍然不同,但是毕竟,胎儿的权利在多数国家和地区都得到了法律的确认。
This chapter from the current "Tort Liability Act" the relevant provisions of Article 10 proceeding, in-depth analysis of the law within the meaning between the lines, in order to express more clearly defined the legal meaning of the the joint dangerous act. 本章从现行《侵权责任法》第10条的相关规定出发,深入剖析法律条文字里行间内部的含义,以期更加清晰明确的表达共同危险行为的法律含义。
To achieve equivalence in legal meaning between the source language and the target language, translators should look at the translation under a law perspective. 要实现法律翻译中源文和译文在法律效力上的等值,就不可避免的要从法的角度来考量翻译过程与衡量翻译效果。
Although one single requirement can not reflect the legal meaning by itself, to find the legal meanings of objective facts, we can gradually seek a balance between the objective facts and legal regulations, basing on the combinations of will, relationship and social harmfulness. 虽然单个的因素不徒以完成法律意义的体现,但如何确立案件事实法律意义,我们还是可以将意愿、关系以及社会危害性作为出发点,不断地在案件事实与法律规范之间寻求一种平衡。
This part mainly discusses the legal meaning of competitive sports, and its own characteristics and social status, in order to pave the way for Criminal Law involving in competitive sports. 该部分主要论述竞技体育的法律含义、社会地位及其自身特点,以期从宏观上对竞技体育的刑法介入做理论上的铺垫。
However, in our country as the legal meaning of public figures, the current law, regulations were not specified. 然而,在我国作为法律意义上的公众人物,现行的法律、法规中均未规定。